
Although indexing rates can be figured in different ways, I prefer to work on a per indexable page basis, calculated based on your book’s galley. However, if your preference is to determine the cost by the entry or by the project, this can be accommodated.

My rates are based on the density of the material and the depth of indexing required.

Rate ranges:

  • Trade books: starting at $3.50/page

  • Textbooks: starting at $3.75/page

  • Scholarly books: starting at $5:00/page.

Cookbooks would be priced at the lower end of the price range and academic and legal studies, including footnotes and appendices, at the higher rate. Very dense text (11-15 entries per page), and rush assignments are charged at a higher rate.

After you contact me about an indexing project, I will ask you for a sample of the text (one to two chapters) so I can gauge the density of the text. A PDF file can be e-mailed to me and is the best way for me to assess your project. Alternatively, a link to the document may be sent to me. When you contact me about a project, we will also talk about the format of the index, your publisher’s specifications, and your deadlines.

I use Sky IndexTM Professional software.